Everytime I visit this site I intend to contribute my thoughts and I have spent weeks thinking of what I should write. Nothing comes. Nothing that doesn't sound hollow, nothing that does mum any justice. I can speak from the heart and truelly say that no words can ever sum up the loss I currently feel. On June 11th 2010 I lost a multitude of people from my life. My teacher, my guide, I lost the person who taught me so much about life. Imprinting so much of themselves in me and leaving the biggest footprint in my heart and soul. A person that I could rely on regardless, who expressed unconditional love and was my rock for the past 31 years. I also lost my friend, my best friend. Someone I trusted and enjoyed being with and a person I could have fun with. Someone who never judged, was always honest and had the kindest heart of anyone I've ever met. Above all I lost my mum, my dear beautiful wonderful mum. Words can't sum her up. She was more to me than anyone and her loss has left a huge void in my life. When I hear the wind blow, a bird singing or the clouds drifting past, I am reminded that life goes on and in me mum still lives on. She is no longer with us but she hasn't completely gone. For someone so precious who was loved and is remembered by so many, will never truelly die. I love you mum wherever you are. xxx